Wyoming Cabin Association

Consider Joining the Wyoming Cabin Association!!!

The WCA is a state wide organization which offers support to Wyoming cabin owners. There are many reasons to join WCA.

Current Issues/Problems: While cabin owners are not facing lease payment issues, there are other issues that cabin owners are having difficulty resolving. Listed below are some of these pressing issues. Some of these issues are common to more than one cabin group while others are unique to a single cabin group. As a note, individual issues today could very possibly become jointly shared issues in the future.

Albany Co.: Cabin owners face problems associated with beetle killed trees falling on roads and concerns about potential water rights changes. The USFS has declared some buildings historical without the knowledge of the cabin owner resulting in permits for repairs to be more complex and costly

Big Horn Co.: Cabin owners are facing obstacles with water rights and the historical designation of cabins potentially causing lengthy time frames to secure a repair permit from the USFS.

Fremont Co.: Cabin owners have been dealing with beetle killed trees and the increased threat of fire for many years.

Johnson Co.: Past issues include mining and logging

Park Co.: Cabin owners experience permitting delays on their cabins.

Sublette Co.: Cabin owners are faced with slash piles that have been left unburned for a number of years.

> Teton Co.: Cabin owners are concerned with road maintenance and the potential for expanded off-road recreational use allowed by the USFS.

As an organized group, we can have more input when minor or major issues arise. The support from larger groups provides much more leverage and better results.

Membership is essential. We encourage you to Join/Renew today.


Join/Renew THE WYOMING CABIN ASSOCIATION Membership Fee: $10.00 per person, $20.00 per couple, $30.00 Group Members up to 4 members per cabin, and $20.00 for an Associate Member. Memberships are for one year May – April. Donations are not tax deductible, Wyoming Cabin Association is a non-profit 501 (c)(4).

SIGN UP ON LINE Pay by Credit Card or PayPal

Please fill out Cabin Tract and phone number.

Choose one
Cabin Tract & County
Phone Number

or JOIN BY MAIL Click and Print Membership Application Make Checks Payable to: Wyoming Cabin Association (WCA) Send Application to: 

Wyoming Cabin Association 
P.O. Box 117
Buffalo, WY 82834

Questions about applying for membership? Call George Mathes 530-613-8330. Membership Dues and Donations are not tax deductible, Wyoming Cabin Association is a non-profit 501 (c)(4).

Regular Membership: Any Wyoming Cabin Owner or Resident of Wyoming who holds a National Forest permit, spouse of a holder, co-holder or person with a financial interest in a recreation residence who pays annual dues is a voting WCA member and is entitled to all rights and privileges of membership. Memberships are for one year May – April.

Associate Membership: Persons and organizations not qualifying for regular membership but who have an interest in the purposes and/or services of WCA may become associate members. Such members will not be eligible to vote at annual or special business meetings. Memberships are for one year May – April.


Donate to the Wyoming Cabin Association

Donations are not tax deductible, Wyoming Cabin Association is a non-profit 501 (c)(4).

What can you do to help organize your Cabin Tract? • Become the communicator for your group. Gather emails and send letters to cabin owners who do not have email.

Involved Tracts and Members

If you would like to be the contact for your tract: E-mail us

If you would like to be on our Wyoming email list, send us your: E-mail your name and tract